
Showing posts from August, 2019

San Blas Islands


Panama Canal!

We had the awesome experience of taking our grandparents and parents to see some cool things around the city when they came to visit! Here we are at the Miraflores Locks on the Panama Canal. Absolutely incredible the engineering behind moving these thousand-ton cargo ships from one ocean to the other. I LOVE PANAMA!
Training the English Teachers! We had the awesome experience for the last few weeks of our internship to train the teachers of the English Connect program in the country. The trainings were great and we feel that the program is going to continue to progress and members will continue to become proficient in their English abilities! I have come to love the teachers of English connect in Panama. They are 100% service volunteers, they receive no payment and sometimes their job is tiring because students fail to keep commitments and many are absent from class. Despite this, they are always there ready to teach their classes each week. I was grateful that I could take a minute to give them thanks for the awesome work they do.