
Showing posts from May, 2019

More Pictures from Guna Yala (San Blas Islands), Rainforest, and old Panamá


Conference in Guna Yala

What a crazy week it has been here in Panama! Sometimes I can't believe its only been one week. Crazy. It makes me excited that we have such a long time here because I feel like in just one week I can already tell my way around the city and I feel that I have already developed some great relationships with different people. Today and yesterday were especially adventurous. Yesterday we went on a good 4 hour hike in the Parque Metropolitano which ended in a downpour and us sopping wet. I guess they don't call it a RAINforest for no reason. This beautiful park is a natural reserve that was established over 50 years ago and it so amazing. We were able to spot monkeys within the first 10 minutes of the hike! They were hopping from tree to tree high above us. We also ran into a park ranger who pointed out two sloths up in the tree hanging there. We watched the sloth try to grab this branch for literally 15 minutes about. You have to have patience with these little fellas! There wer
Playa (Beach) Day and Institute! We had a great one today. First went to a nice beach near Veracruz, about 20 minutes from Panama City. We were almost the only ones on the beach and enjoyed the murky warm water, friendly stray dogs, and beautiful shells. We kept laughing about trying to blend in but inevitably being labeled 'tourists'—Panamanians don't really wear shorts right now (maybe because it's the 'colder' time of year?) and we were on an almost deserted beach haha. Very chill! We saw the canal on our way to and from the beach, on the way there we took a taxi that cost $20 but on the way back took a tiny white bus (van really) that only cost $1 each :) we loved it! After the beach we walked to the chapel and went to institute! It's a big nice chapel with the mission office, Institute offices, and general offices of the Church for Panamá. Institute was good, we are going to try and go every week—studying the Saints book. It was good to meet so


carrying the heavy groceries up the hill 6 mangos for $1 in the street! dinner our first night - Arroz and Pollo! our building! on the left, tan we have a pool! perfect for throwing oneself in after a morning run this delicious fruit is called Maracuya - Passion fruit in English (I think?) delicious MANGO AVOCADO another view of our building Late-night walk on the hunt for some good empanadas
We made it to Panama! My brother Tanner and I will be living here for the majority of the summer as Self-Reliance Interns for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We couldn't be more excited for various reasons namely:  - WE MISS LATIN AMERICA! Both of us have a profound love for this place, its people, the beautiful Spanish language, and especially the yogurt.  -Panama is HERMOSO! This country is paradise, when our plane was in descent minutes from landing, we looked out the airplanes window and were amazed to see the landmark canal with views on one end of the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific on the other side!  -We both have strong testimonies the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its power to bring about self-reliance. In Doctrine and Covenants 104 the Lord states that "the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare;" and "it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine." We will be facilitating this program and working to