Conference in Guna Yala

What a crazy week it has been here in Panama! Sometimes I can't believe its only been one week. Crazy. It makes me excited that we have such a long time here because I feel like in just one week I can already tell my way around the city and I feel that I have already developed some great relationships with different people.
Today and yesterday were especially adventurous. Yesterday we went on a good 4 hour hike in the Parque Metropolitano which ended in a downpour and us sopping wet. I guess they don't call it a RAINforest for no reason. This beautiful park is a natural reserve that was established over 50 years ago and it so amazing. We were able to spot monkeys within the first 10 minutes of the hike! They were hopping from tree to tree high above us. We also ran into a park ranger who pointed out two sloths up in the tree hanging there. We watched the sloth try to grab this branch for literally 15 minutes about. You have to have patience with these little fellas! There were always lots of lizards, turtles, giant rodents (agouti) and different types of birds and butterflies. We were walking up peacefully when suddenly it began. What started out first as sprinkles of water turned into a full on rainforest downpoar and we quickly found shelter under these giant leaves. That worked for about 5 minutes when we realized we would have to wait for at least an hour. This was no small rain. So we said "Ya fue!" (oh well) and began the last leg up the rainforest hill to the lookout point. The "stunning" views of the city skyline turned out to be gray fogged-up views of nothing. It was insane! The crack of lightning bid us to quickly began the downhill trek back to the bottom. Quite the adventure I dare say.
Today was incredible. I'm laying here honestly at a loss of words for the cool experience we had today traveling to the remote islands of San Blas off the northern Panamán coast. We were invited to accompany the mission president Pt. Current, his wife, another couple Los Altamirano, along with brothers from the church offices to attend a district conference in this district of San Blas. The San Blas are 365 islands ranging in size from a few acres to a New York city apartment bathroom. The journey to the port was arduous. The road twisted and turned, went up and down, all through thick rainforest hills. The chauffer called it the "montaña rusa" (roller coaster). I will admit feeling pretty nauseous at some parts. BUT IT WAS INCREDIBLE! When we got to the port we had to take a boat another hour and a half to reach the island of Narganá and met the members. I loved the conference and rubbing soldiers with these cool people. Some speakers spoke in their native Kuna tongue and there was about 175 people in attendance. What an adventure it was today! So so so ready to catch some z's.
