
Showing posts from June, 2019
Another awesome week in Panama! This week we began three big projects that will help with the self-reliance program here in Panama.  The first initiative are classes that we will be providing for the English Connect teachers throughout the country. The English Connect program is going very well here, however in our visits we've realized that some of the teachers are not following the manual in certain aspects. So we are currently planning a training that we can give to all the teachers and help improve the quality of the classes.  The second project we are planning are firesides for the YSA here in Panama. There is a huge need to disperse information about the Perpetual Education fund and the BYU Pathway program to the YSA because many of them do not know about these useful resources they have. We will be conducting activities for the YSA to help them understand these things.  The last project is a database of jobs available in Panama City. Our manager, Rixela, needs a resou

Just Pics!

 Does this need a caption? :D  A typical bus. They call them the Diablos Rojos (Red Devils)  Our awesome friend Laura who made us this delicious pasta casserole!  Morning run view  Beautiful Panamá City Temple  English Class!  This is our Panamán little brother Cochi in his legit Star wars themed room. He's awesome!  Hermana Yolanda. She cleans in the church area office. jajajajaj  Barrio San Miguelito, Ciudad de Panamá Bike ride at dusk in the city

Taboga Island!

We went to this beautiful island called Taboga about 20 km off the coast of the city.   Super cool painted beach shacks where they sell souvenirs and snacks!  We went on a hike to the other side of the island for a private beach. Almost stepped on this little guy! Not sure if it's one of the poisonous ones but it was super cool.   Ciao Ciudad! View looking back to the city on the ferry.   Just arriving! Taboga! Such a cool little colorful island town Hermoso!

Futbol Game!

Been a little while since I posted an update here. These past few weeks we have been conducting a survey to all of the Young Single Adults of the church here in the country to find out why it is that some of them do not go to school, what they know about the church's Perpetual Education Fund, etc. It's been interesting getting responses back from the members. This weekend Elder Uceda, a general authority seventy, was here and we presented this information to him. So far we have received answers to our survey from 190 young single adults! A lot of them said they do not have funds to study and so we are glad this information can be shared with the leaders to hopefully help the YSA be able to go to school. We love the YSA and have become great friends with a lot of them. We started a FHE group that meets on Monday nights at our place and we have a spiritual thought, play games and eat food! Here's a pic of that event below. Aside from that we participate a lot in English class