Futbol Game!

Been a little while since I posted an update here. These past few weeks we have been conducting a survey to all of the Young Single Adults of the church here in the country to find out why it is that some of them do not go to school, what they know about the church's Perpetual Education Fund, etc. It's been interesting getting responses back from the members. This weekend Elder Uceda, a general authority seventy, was here and we presented this information to him. So far we have received answers to our survey from 190 young single adults! A lot of them said they do not have funds to study and so we are glad this information can be shared with the leaders to hopefully help the YSA be able to go to school. We love the YSA and have become great friends with a lot of them. We started a FHE group that meets on Monday nights at our place and we have a spiritual thought, play games and eat food! Here's a pic of that event below. Aside from that we participate a lot in English classes that the stakes are putting on here. We have been to around 6 so far and have participated in 2 meetings with english teacher committees. The people here want to speak english! A guy told me that here in Panamá speaking english is the equivalent of having a bachelor's degree. It is so useful in this international city with job opportunities.

I love PANAMÁ! We've been having a blast! We went to a futbol game in the national stadium and boy, was that a riot. So crazy! Even though the stadium was pretty empty because it wasn't a huge game. That didn't stop them from lighting off crazy fireworks at halftime though! These bad boys would have been completely illegal in Utah. jajajaja So crazy. I will upload some pics of that! Sadly, no one scored a goal (soccer..xD) but we had a great time!

Playing signs for FHE with the young single adults in our ward.
 Do it for the selfie! Even if it means climbing up a fence with a policeman staring straight at you.
Giant signs to say goodbye to some players who played their last game.
